Return & Refund Policy
Online Sales Policies
Report your issue at:
Return Policy
You have 7 days from receiving the item to request a return. To be eligible, the item must be unused, with tags, in its original packaging, and include proof of purchase. To initiate the process, please email us at The cost of the return will be the customer’s responsibility.
Once you’ve shipped the package, please send us your tracking information to verify the status and confirm receipt. When we receive the product at the specified address, you will be issued a coupon for 100% of the item's value, which you can use on your next purchase. If you prefer a refund, it will be processed within approximately 5 business days once we confirm that the merchandise is in acceptable condition.
Didn’t receive your order! and the address you provided is correct.
This policy only applies if this has not happened to you before and 48 hours have passed since FedEx reported the package as delivered.
If FedEx provides proof of delivery to the correct address, we can offer you a coupon for 50% off the amount you paid.
If FedEx cannot provide proof of delivery, we can offer you a coupon covering the product cost (excluding delivery charges), or we can arrange to have the item sent to a nearby FedEx location for pickup.
You provided an incorrect address:
We will issue you a 50% coupon of what you paid.
Received a spilled product:
Conditions: * Valid only for the first 24 hours after you receive the package.
This policy only applies if you send us images of the product, package, and packaging that confirm the situation.
It is very important to provide evidence for your claim. Please take a variety of clear photos of your product and the shipping box. Do not throw away the box until we have those photos.
One or more products are missing from your order:
This policy only applies if you send us images of the packaging, and the package weight must be verified by FedEx.
Your order was returned by the carrier as damaged. contact us.
Your order was returned by the carrier due to a nonexistent or incorrect address:
A $10 fee will be charged for address changes and reshipping the order.
A $20 fee will be charged for cancellation and refund of the remaining amount.
Do you want to cancel your order?
If your order has already been processed, we will gladly refund your payment, applying a small penalty of $10.
If your order has already been shipped, we will also refund your payment, with a penalty of $20.
Want to change your address or add instructions?
A $10 fee will be charged.
Factory-damaged product:
We need images for verification.
It is very important to provide evidence for your claim. Please take a variety of clear photos of your product and the shipping box.
We sent you the wrong product:
We need images for verification and to validate weights with FedEx. Please contact us to find the best solution; we may request more evidence or information based on the report.
*You have 7 days to follow up on your claim. If we do not receive a response, we will consider it closed.
For more information, please contact us at