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Aging of Hair and the Benefits of DETOX

The Journey of Our Hair

Our hair is a faithful witness to our personal history. We all remember how our hair was in our youth: vibrant, full of life, and free of gray. Perhaps you also recall that daring haircut that didn’t go as planned or the first time you dyed it a bold color. Just like us, our hair changes and ages, accumulating experiences and memories.

Why Does Hair Age?

Hair aging is a natural and inevitable process. Over the years, the structure of the hair changes: gray hair appears as a result of decreased melanin production, and oxidative stress caused by free radicals accelerates these changes. Additionally, as we age, the number of active hair follicles decreases, which can lead to hair loss.

Hair loses thickness and volume, becoming thinner and more fragile. The texture also changes, becoming more porous and dry as sebum production decreases and elasticity is lost.

How Can We Help Our Hair?

This is where hair DETOX comes into play. This essential process improves the health of your hair by eliminating:

  • Residue

  • Product buildup

  • Dead cells

  • Toxins

  • Pollution

  • Free radicals

What Does DETOX Mean?

Detox means to clean, purify, and detoxify. It’s a rebirth for your hair, giving it new life.

Do You Need a Hair Detox?

Ask yourself the following:

  • Do you use styling products on your hair?

  • Is your hair dyed or bleached?

  • Do you live in a city with high pollution?

  • Do you smoke or are you exposed to secondhand smoke?

  • Do you feel itchiness, flaking, or dryness on your scalp?

  • Does your hair look dull and brittle?

  • Do you shower with hard water?

What Are Free Radicals?

Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by factors such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation, stress, tobacco smoke, and chemicals. These molecules damage the proteins and lipids of the hair, deteriorating its cellular function and causing:

  • Hair loss

  • Premature graying

  • Dull and weak hair


At AVYNA, we understand the challenges of hair aging and have developed innovative products to combat these signs. Our line offers a complete solution to cleanse, purify, and detoxify your hair, helping you maintain its health and vibrancy over time.

With the CARBONE line, renew your hair and preserve its history and beauty, allowing it to shine with the vitality it deserves. Give your hair the treatment it needs to continue telling your story spectacularly!

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